Decades later, Mike was nearing the end of his time in the Air Force. My Ma cajoled me into doing a new Spidey Illustration for X-Mas that year. I had an idea in my head, but I have to be honest, I wasn't wild about doing it. At the time, I had 3 other X-Mas art projects that I had to finish. Throwing another one onto the pile wasn't going to alleviate any stress-headaches. But I did it anyway. I managed to get each project done before X-Mas... just.
Since the view is cropped in close on Spidey, it might not be 100% clear as to the scenario. Mike had been serving in Iraq, as the primary mechanic for a Heavy Duty Jumbo Jet (it had a specific name... again, I can't remember. the "HH" on the tail appears on many of this type of plane). If something went wrong, Mike fixed it. Whether it be on the ground, in the air, in the neutral zone or in enemy territory. He sometimes had to climb around outside the thing to fix it up. Action movie stuff. Anyway.
The pic: The idea here, Mike's plane flying into either JFK or LaGuardia (instead of an Air Force base, which would be more likely) being attacked/diverted by the Green Goblin. For what nefarious reason? Who knows but the @#$%ing Green Goblin. As the plane heads to Manhattan, your friendly neighborhood web-head starts doing his thing, webbing up the plane as best he can. The plane is just seconds from being safely secured between the buildings by Spidey's webbing, as the Goblin makes one more rush toward the plane, but is TAKEN OUT with an extension of pipe by my cousin Mike.
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