Sunday, February 14, 2016

Staple! materials 2016 (so far)

Still working on Staple! items for this year... but the poster and the first draft of the program cover is finished.

Staplegator drawn by Emily Carrol

The poster,
the program (so far)

Staple! materials 2015

The Poster, the Program, and the T-Shirt from Staple! Independent Media Expo 2015

Staplegator drawn by Babs Tarr!

The poster,
the program,
and the shirt!
Punk Rock!

Staple! materials 2014

The Poster, the Program, and the T-Shirt from Staple! Independent Media Expo 2014

Staplegator drawn by Francesco Francavilla

The poster,
the program,
and the shirt!

Staple materials 2013

The Poster, the Program, and the T-Shirt from Staple! Independent Media Expo 2013

Staplegator drawn by Robert Wilson IV

The poster,
the program,

and the shirt!

Davis Smurfs!

Posting this here since the only other place this piece lived was on Facebook. 

Commission done in 2014 for my friends Brit & Grant for Father's Day.